Verrry Nice Tut :) Its a great guide for anyone who wants to master :P
I figured it out by myself, just by messing around with the buttons and knobs until I knew which one was which. Follow this guide, Don't do what I did xD
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Storage at Signs
San Antonio, Texas
Joined on 10/8/05
Verrry Nice Tut :) Its a great guide for anyone who wants to master :P
I figured it out by myself, just by messing around with the buttons and knobs until I knew which one was which. Follow this guide, Don't do what I did xD
This is a nice thing for beginners, but nobody should be using these as set-in-stone rules. Mixes vary from track to track and from concept to concept - I've seen some songs in which the kick and bass are out in front for a clubbier sound, and most of the other sounds are behind, though still present. Many other tracks I've seen don't have an out-in-front kick or a loud, booming bass, but instead focus on the moving melodies and sweeping pads. Etc., etc. :P
You talk about EQing like you can endlessly boost without any clipping or distortion at all - if you've ever EQed, you should know obviously it's not the case. And in any case, most boosts shouldn't be more than a few dB. Then there's the kick and bass and making sure they don't hurt each other, as well as the other sounds interacting with the mix. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts - make sure everything sounds good in the mix, not individually. ;)
Just my thoughts.
Thanks for the comment!
If you read a little closer though, you'll notice I do often mention to be careful with distortion/clipping issues when boosting and cutting certain EQ freqs. I also mention often that these tips are strictly for beginners, and I don't include deeper details about dithering, limiting, filters, etc., and I agree, these definetly should NOT be used as set rules all the time, like you stated, it varies with the track.
Thanks again for the comment,